China, The U.S. & The Rise of Xi Jinping
FRONTLINE examines the rise of Xi Jinping, his vision for China, how he’s exercising power, and his impact on relations with the U.S. and the world. The film premiered on November 26, 2024 nationwide on PBS.
Afghanistan: After the War

Photo by Scott Anger/PBS FRONTLINE
America and the Taliban
America and the Taliban is an epic three-part investigation that traces the missteps and consequences of America’s 20-year investment in Afghanistan. The film draws on decades of on-the-ground reporting and interviews with Taliban and U.S. officials. It broadcast on PBS FRONTLINE over three nights in April 2023.
Putin's Attack on Ukraine wins OPC Award
New York - PBS FRONTLINE and The Associated Press share the Overseas Press Club’s Roy Rowan Award for investigative journalism for the film, Putin’s Attack on Ukraine, which traces Russian President Vladimir Putin’s pattern of atrocities in Ukraine and across other conflicts.
The documentary, directed by Tom Jennings and Annie Wong, offers a window into the lives of Ukrainians living under siege, capturing the devastation of the war and the ongoing pursuit for accountability. Director of Photography Tim Grucza filmed the early footage at the outbreak of war, while I traveled to Ukraine in July 2022 to co-produce and film the contemporary scenes on the unfolding stories around Kyiv.